Our Rhode Island Supreme Court recently issued an important decision for property rights, even though…

A New and Comprehensive Guide to Rhode Island Land Use Laws
A Practical Guide to Land Use Law in Rhode Island was just published this summer by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc.
I had the privilege, and the pleasure, of editing this book. I was fortunate to work with a stellar collection of authors, including one former member of the Rhode Island Supreme Court and a current Rhode Island District Court judge. Each is an expert in the areas about which they write, and all illuminate not only the ever-changing law but also the practicalities and practice pointers so important in dealing with land use cases.
Land use law encompasses not just real estate legal issues but also environmental regulatory issues and even First Amendment issues, and it is as interesting as it can be confusing and confounding.
This volume provides a guide through the legal thicket with a current and comprehensive look at Rhode Island land use practice.
The chapters and authors are as follows:
Chapter 1
The Rhode Island Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation Act
Peter D. Ruggiero, Esq.
Chapter 2
The Rhode Island Zoning Enabling Act
Jeffrey H. Gladstone, Esq. and Carolyn P. Medina, Esq.
Chapter 3
Presenting a Case for Zoning Relief and Litigating a Zoning Case on Appeal
George W. Watson III, Esq.
Chapter 4
The Rhode Island Land Development and Subdivision Review Enabling Act
John P. McCoy, Esq.
Chapter 5
Moratoria, Tolling Statutes, and Expedited Permitting
Amy H. Goins, Esq., Andrew M. Teitz, Esq. AICP and Michael A. Urillo, Esq.
Chapter 6
The Rhode Island Low and Moderate Income Housing Act
Carolyn P. Medina, Esq.
Chapter 7
Special Development Districts, Business Improvement Districts, Historical Area Zones, and Redevelopmental Authorities
Jon M. Restivo, Esq.
Chapter 8
Eminent Domain and Regulatory Takings
Timothy C. Twardowski, Esq.
Chapter 9
Signage and Adult Uses
Robert G. Flanders, Jr. Esq. and Thomas W. Madonna, Jr. Esq.
Chapter 10
Brownfields, Wetlands, and Municipal Regulations
Robin L. Main, Esq.
Chapter 11
Coastal Zone Law Impacting Land Uses
Hon. Brian A. Goldman
I think any lawyer involved in any aspect of Rhode Island real estate or land use practice would greatly benefit from this Guide, as would real estate professionals, such as developers and investors.